The resources section has ideas/links for left behind packages

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The following list is from the Vimeo playlist

Displaying 1 to 10 of 10

August 10, 2016Donald Trump Elected, Prophetic Dream
...with the signature of the Holy Spirit, that Donald Trump...
July 23, 2016Prayer & Repentance Holds Judgement Back & Elects Donald Trump
...been given utterance by the Holy Spirit to warn My people...
July 22, 2016Evangelize with Brotherly Love & Pres. Putin's Anti Freedom of Religion Law
...supernatural, and the work of Holy Spirit. It was the overwhelming...
July 20, 2016I Am Releasing New Anointings
...plentiful teachings, music and holy art to inspire the left behind...
July 11, 2016God is Hearing the Russian People & Opposing the Elites she goes. Lifting up holy hands in prayer and supplication...
December 6, 2015Prophetic Rapture Dream & NWO
...Trinity, the Father and Holy Spirit.) Many, many frontiers...
November 10, 2015Your Patience In Supporting Me, Why the Rapture was Delayed
...prayed asking direction from Holy Spirit and opened my Bible...
May 20, 2015Abba Father's Grief, call to prayer for the Middle East
...children. I've got one that is holy and one that's an atheist...
December 19, 2017Cover Your Nation With Prayer
...sense a burden during your communion preparations, ask for one...
October 25, 2017Will You Walk With Me in this Season?
...quickly, coming out of my communion service, and really wanted...